Bowl Of Noses

Making New Stuff Out Of Their Old Stuff: Upular

This music was composed using chords, bass notes, & vocal samples from one very excellent movie. Nothing like borrowing from a friend to make something new.
Bowl Of Noses

Styles of Animation #8: Studio Spin Off

Pixar wants you to think about UP. We happen to like that movie so we are happy join in the thinking.

Bowl Of Noses

Up! With Papercraft

We’ve a bit neglectful of our folding and glueing as of late, yet papercraft figurines fill up our bowl with joyful memories.  

We could definitely use some new designs if you are hiding them any where.  
We are sure you can understand why we were so excited to find this grumpy old guy.  We have set the timer for the new Pixar flick, and any new bit of news or super neato giveaway gets our heart all a flutter.  
Fold, baby, fold!

Thanks /film!